I'm a little disappointed with this picture, but I don't have time to redo! I picked the honey suckle, etc. this morning when we were on a walk and Leesa brought me the lilacs...smells heavenly! The pie is a peach "Schwan's". I forgot to move it into one of my pyrex pie plates before I baked it! If you let it set a few minutes before you put it in the oven you can re-crimp the edges and it will look homemade. I learned that from a friend who owns a Bed and Breakfast!
Having guests for lunch today, instead of cleaning I'm piddling around with this and that. After I saw Cousin Brenda's post, I wanted to take a minute and post my happy arrangments! In the lower picture is a cute 3 tiered vase that holds little stems of this and that.
Playing house . . . I knew you would understand. It is such fun, isn't it! Your arrangements are very pretty. Miss you.
Goodness! I just read your blog comment and mine to you now is so totally inadequate! Talk about KILLER CUTE! That is what you are--over and over. Love you!
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