High on a hill in Hamilton County, Indiana....Northview Christian Life Church stands...houses all around us! It is a vast mission field! Thank you Lord for our wonderful location!

These photos were taken from beside my car as I left work tonight. The colors are beautiful. This is our new parking lot in what used to be the back of the church. I'll get pictures of the church soon, the front is all torn off for our building project.

This is Kim....She's my good friend. We've been meeting together on Monday's for a while and sharing life and praying together. She works at Capstone our coffee shop. Here she is presenting me with my "refill" cup of coffee!!! It is a fringe benefit to see her almost every day I work. She always has a story of how God is working in her life.
Today Kim's story was this one: She has helped start a Ladies Bible Study on Monday night. One of the ladies is having a birthday and she wanted to make her a prayer basket. (An idea that came from Elizabeth George, the author, I think) It's a basket with things you can use to enhance your quiet time with God. Anyway...she wanted to do it in blue which is the favorite color of the recipient. Kim's husband was late coming home on Sunday, because he had to stop and pick up something that they won at the local CVS. It was a gift basket.....filled with all things blue!!! A blue throw, a blue coffee mug, blue this and blue that...she told me all the stuff and I can't remember. God provided all she needed for the gift. Wow!
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

This is my desk area...notice I have a large window.....I haven't personalized it yet, or moved anything around. The monitor is big, but it is great! I'm going to put up a Pottery Barn crown molding ledge on the wall with frames on it. They were out of stock so I'm waiting on it. It will be fun to make my space my own. There is a nice lateral file behind my chair... it is nice and roomy.
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