Today we went to the 2009 Brickyard 400 here in Indy. I want to share with you a neat memory that we won't forget for a long time. I wish I was a good writer so that I could convey the beauty and encouragement of the scene that we saw today. This year our seats were across from the infield and we could see the people all sitting on the grass and watching the race. It caught my eye that a group of men in camo dress were walking together near the edge of the fence. What I saw next was much more interesting than the Nascar race. I saw people coming up to these military men to shake their hands. People were asking them to have their pictures taken with them. People were waving to them. I watched for quite a while. I thought back to days when people respected and honored those in the military. Maybe it's not so different today. It was really a wonderful sight. Young and old coming towards, or maybe just raising their hand in a gesture of thanks. I wish my photos were better, but wanted to share it with you.
It's so good to know that people are still thankful and showing honor to our military personnel. They deserve our thanks and respect. Thanks for sharing!
Hey! We had the Brickyard on TV for a bit and I talked about you! What a powerful sight to observe. I am so glad that you reported and I could enjoy vicariously! Love you!
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