Monday, April 6, 2009

One of the things I do.....

The monday after we have communion it is my job to clean up. The first time I did it I was trying to hurry through and I was very nervous that it seemed to take me a long time. The next time it went alot faster and better. Today was the third time and it was actually a joy. I tried to focus on Jesus and things about taking communion. I thought about things and words that have to do with taking communion. "This do in remembrance of me." Body the Bread, Blood the Cup. Drink ye all of it. The body of Christ broken for you. The blood of Christ shed for you. Do not partake in an unworthy manner.
As I stood at the sink and poured out the little glasses of juice I thought of all the times I drank the cup in an unworthy manner when my mind was elsewhere. It was just like pouring the wine down the sink. This is a special week, the week before Easter. A good time to think about these things. The body of Christ broken for me...take and eat...take and drink...

They look GREAT!

This is mom and dad a few weeks ago at Leesa's house. They just get cuter and cuter! And they are the BEST! What a great example they always are to me. Thanks mom and dad!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Following Christ....

How can we show our love for Christ this week?

Signs of Life

I recently finished the book "Signs of Life" by David Jeremiah. I didn't realize (when I borrowed it from the library) that it was a 40 day devotional. I really enjoyed it. It was very inspiring and convicting. If I were put on trial for being a child of Christ would there be enough evidence to convict me. Jeremiah used many stories and examples to make the book so interesting. I especially liked the examples of art and history. It would make a great resource for a Life Group. Shadow Mountain church used it for an all church campaign and ended with a large serving opportunity. The kind of campaign we did at Northview last year with "Life On Loan". I think I'll buy the book and go through it again!