Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunny Day
Friday, May 23, 2008
Planting fun
Pitcure small tomato plant with herbs by my back door.
Picture of four of my black pots. Purchased at an estate sale last year! I planted hostas in them along with a few colored verbena plants. They are coming along beautifully. Leesa saw the idea in Martha Stewart magazine. They get prettier all the time. There are 3 varieties of hostas in each one. Note that the yard is a little bare, but the grass is coming along nicely. Mark has worked hard on it!
Monday, May 19, 2008

Grace is all grown up! Here she is before going to her Eighth Grade Graduation Party! Don't you love her vintage dress! She has a wonderful sense of style. She called tonight to tell us about her scholarship awards. She is not only beautiful, but so smart. She has worked hard and is the top of her class in almost every subject. I can't even remember all of the awards! One neat one was a Band award for good attitude. Grace is alot like her mom, my sis Leesa. She looks so much like Leesa did!!! Leesa was also smart! It's darling to see her all dressed up, isn't it?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Daily Miscellany
Vacummed the house.
Worked at Pottery Barn.
Picked up Grant.
Snipped weeds with Grant...involves garden tools.
Cooked hamburgers on grill.
Settled Grant in guest room with TV so Mark & I could watch Nascar. Looks Comfy, No?
Read my email & blog comments, was blessed by Brenda & Kim.
Thankful for Grant under roof.
Thankful for a great day!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Using Proverbs
I was thinking about how my blog is going. I picked the name ProverbialPilgrimage because of my love and use of Proverbs and I haven't threaded in any Proverbs in my blogs! So...I want to share a couple of Proverbs! My first day of work was May 13, in Proverbs 13 I noted- verse 10..Pride leads to arguments: those who take advice are wise. I applied this to my job. I must not be proud and think I know it all...I must listen and learn and take advice from my boss and co-workers. I also noted verse 18 If you ignore criticism you will end in poverty and disgrace: if you accept criticism you will be honored. I need to be prepared for criticism. I can't expect to do everything right. I must submit to authority and prepare myself to be gracious and humble. After being the boss for so many years I need to be on guard.
Yesterday our church had a leadership appreciation event. While we were there, our Pastor told us about a spiritual campaign that we are planning for the fall. We were all given the book "Living a Life On Loan" by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson. We will be putting our "service" on a new and higher level. I thought of Proverbs 14:22 If you plot evil, you will be lost; but if you plan good, you will be granted unfailing love and faithfulness. I'm so glad my church is planning "Good" I know we all be blessed.
Yesterday our church had a leadership appreciation event. While we were there, our Pastor told us about a spiritual campaign that we are planning for the fall. We were all given the book "Living a Life On Loan" by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson. We will be putting our "service" on a new and higher level. I thought of Proverbs 14:22 If you plot evil, you will be lost; but if you plan good, you will be granted unfailing love and faithfulness. I'm so glad my church is planning "Good" I know we all be blessed.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My New Job.....
I have been blessed with the most wonderful part time job! After much prayer and more obsessing than I would like to admit, I am back in the world of retail. I am working for the amazing company Pottery Barn. I really didn't know much about it, except I have always loved their merchandise. They are owned by The Williams & Sonoma Company. (Another favorite store of mine!) Even after just one evening of work, I'm experiencing the customer care personality of the store. The company is all about customer service and treating all people with respect. On my first night I was able to help people with design questions, and add-on sales. I also used the cash register, which I mostly avoided in my own shop! I can't wait to tell my friends that worked for me all about the new fangled computer equipment. There is even a little machine about the size of a telephone that prints out a tag when you need one. UPC codes...amazing... One of the amazing things about PB is the stock men. They help with all sorts of things. You just give them a call on the headset and they come running with whatever you need or to get rid of anything that's laying around the counter. I can remember when things would get so messy around the counter that it took a day to clear it out!!! My new boss is a doll! She's about Andy's age. She's so smart and nice. She's a great trainer. She never makes me feel old and dumb. I wish I had a picture of her for the blog, maybe later....
If you haven't looked at Pottery Barn for a while check out their website I work in the decorative accessories area!
If you haven't looked at Pottery Barn for a while check out their website I work in the decorative accessories area!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Amazing Mom
Fun with Family
Leesa and Dave invited me to come down this afternoon. Mark is still out of town for Aunt Louise's funeral and Dad's surgery. Dave's dad (Grampsy) and his sister (Paula) were in town from Kankakee for a visit. We went to the decorator show home ( it was great. It wasn't too far from Dave & Leesa. They live in the beautiful Meridian Kessler Area. After the show house we all went for Pizza and then back home for cake. This is a picture of everyone after supper. I feel so blessed to be included in their happy day. It was so good to see Grampsy and Paula!
Mother of the Year 1965 & 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Blessed by Liz

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Guest Blogger
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Two Cute Guys
Friday, May 2, 2008
Pyrex Fun
Alice my neighbor saw an ad in the paper 40 pieces of Pyrex..$80. She circled it and said that I should check it out. I didn't really want to spend $80. so I just forgot about it. Because she knows I love Pyrex, she wanted to go check it out. It was hard, but all I needed was an excuse. We couldn't believe our eyes!!!! There was 93 pieces!!! Pyrex, FireKing and Glasbake!!! Alice wanted to buy it and share with me! I have been taking her to Dr. appt's, etc. and she thought that it would be a happy for me! She was right!! The dish lady was so nice, also a quilter...selling dishes to buy more fabric!! Alice picked out a few pieces, some that I already have, pink pie plate, lime green pie plate, lime green cake pan, & some others. We spread all the pieces out on Alice's table for a photo op! It was a fun day, Alice said she didn't know when she had enjoyed a day so much. That meant alot since she has been dealing with Cancer. Thank you Lord for such a fun blessing!
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