Friday, May 2, 2008

Pyrex Fun

Alice my neighbor saw an ad in the paper 40 pieces of Pyrex..$80. She circled it and said that I should check it out. I didn't really want to spend $80. so I just forgot about it. Because she knows I love Pyrex, she wanted to go check it out. It was hard, but all I needed was an excuse. We couldn't believe our eyes!!!! There was 93 pieces!!! Pyrex, FireKing and Glasbake!!! Alice wanted to buy it and share with me! I have been taking her to Dr. appt's, etc. and she thought that it would be a happy for me! She was right!! The dish lady was so nice, also a quilter...selling dishes to buy more fabric!! Alice picked out a few pieces, some that I already have, pink pie plate, lime green pie plate, lime green cake pan, & some others. We spread all the pieces out on Alice's table for a photo op! It was a fun day, Alice said she didn't know when she had enjoyed a day so much. That meant alot since she has been dealing with Cancer. Thank you Lord for such a fun blessing!

1 comment:

Your sis said...

Any room left in the Pyrex area! Can hardly wait to see your new additions. Love you so, your sis